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Waukesha Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

After a serious motorcycle crash, you’ll need a Waukesha motorcycle accident lawyer who’s ready to fight for you and your rights. At Gruber Law Offices, we have what it takes to protect you with our 40 years of experience serving Waukesha and cities around Wisconsin. 

Headquartered in Milwaukee, our large, powerful team services communities throughout the state of Wisconsin. Our Waukesha personal injury lawyers can help determine the liable parties and hold them accountable for the damages you qualify for. We offer a free consultation; give us “One Call… That’s All” today!

Common Injuries in Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle crashes often result in more serious physical harm compared to cars, due to lack of protection. Some frequent injury types that motorcycle accident victims sustain include:

  • Orthopedic injuries: Broken bones are prevalent, with common sites being the legs, feet, ankles, hips, arms, hands, and shoulders. Road rash lacerations can also become problematic.
  • Traumatic brain injuries: Not wearing a helmet leaves riders vulnerable to open or closed head injuries such as concussions, contusions, skull fractures, hemorrhaging, and more.
  • Spinal cord injuries: The vertebrae in the neck and back are primed to fracture or herniate without surrounding car bodywork. This can lead to paralysis, nerve damage, or chronic pain.
  • Soft tissue damage: Blunt force impacts tear muscles, tendons, and ligaments, leading to strains, sprains, and tears that may never fully heal without treatment.
  • Internal injuries: Forceful blows can cause injuries inside the body, like damage to internal organs, punctured lungs, and torn blood vessels, even without overt external wounds.
  • Disfigurement: Facial lacerations, scarring, missing teeth/jaw fractures, and skin grafts are examples of life-changing impacts on appearance from being ejected during an accident.

Evidence in a Motorcycle Accident Case That Can Strengthen Your Case

Proving fault and recovering suitable damages requires strong evidentiary support when working with our Waukesha motorcycle accident attorneys. Some of the evidence we can collect includes:

Motorcycle Condition Records

Records like service invoices, part replacements, and mileage logs demonstrating regular maintenance help demonstrate the motorcycle was roadworthy. 

A mechanic's inspection report can attest to proper working order, which is important to rebut claims that mechanical failure caused the crash.

Crash Analysis Report

A skilled forensic engineer examines all evidence, like damaged parts, roadway gouge marks, and vehicle positioning, to reconstruct crash forces and dynamics. For example, in motorcycle rear end accidents, our team can analyze the car’s actions to determine how the accident occurred.

Rider Training and Licensure

Certificates of completing state-approved rider courses establishing proficiency undermine suggestions of inexperience and contribute to the problem. A valid license shows legal compliance and reinforces the collision resulted from others' conduct, not yours.

Weather and Roadway Conditions

Obtaining meteorological data and road authority records of any road defects assigns responsibility where due, such as another's hydroplaning on wet pavement or a pothole sending a bike out of control.

Rider Gear and Equipment

Detailed photographs and receipts showing a properly fitted full-face helmet, heavy leather jacket and pants, gloves, and riding boots minimize the ability to allege more severe injuries that could have been averted or lessened with better protection.

How Long do You Have to File a Motorcycle Accident Claim?

The statute of limitations for filing motorcycle accident injury claims in Wisconsin is three years from the date of the crash. It's important for you to be aware of this timeframe.

For insurance claims, whether it's filing a claim under your own motorcycle insurance policy or making a claim with the at-fault party's insurance, you must take action within three years of the accident date. This includes notifying the insurance company of your potential claim and providing notice of your injuries.

If the accident was caused by another party's negligence and their insurance does not fully compensate you for your losses, you may need to file a lawsuit in court. For personal injury lawsuits stemming from a motorcycle crash, the deadline is also three years from the date it occurred. 

How Much does It Cost to Hire a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in Waukesha?

When you work with our motorcycle team, there’s never a fee until we win. We work on a contingency fee basis, which allows us to give you the legal help you need, without any upfront costs. We then take a percentage of your settlement when we win. 

So, you don’t have to worry about paying us anything to get the legal representation you need. To get started with your case, we offer you a free consultation. In your consultation, we’ll explain your legal options and the damages you could recover, and answer any questions you have. 

How do You Deal With the Insurance Company After a Motorcycle Accident?

Meeting with the insurance company after a motorcycle accident can be a challenging experience. To protect your rights and make the process easier, don’t take on the insurance company alone. You should never meet with the insurance company without a motorcycle accident lawyer in Waukesha, WI.

If you do, you could risk losing your compensation, and you could be pressured to accept an unfair settlement offer. But with legal representation, our team can advocate on your behalf and negotiate with insurance adjusters to get the results you deserve.

What Damages Can You Recover After a Motorcycle Accident?

If you sustained injuries in a motorcycle crash caused by someone else's negligence, you may be entitled to compensation for various types of losses. Our experienced motorcycle accident attorneys in Waukesha, WI, can pursue recovery of damages to make you financially whole again, such as:

  • Medical expenses: This encompasses all past and future costs for medical care reasonably required to treat injuries from the crash. Everything from emergency transport and treatment to surgeries, physical therapy, and prescriptions.
  • Lost earnings: Missing work while recovering or being left with permanent limitations on earning capacity due to disabling injuries may allow damages for lost wages. Reimbursement of past lost pay, as well as potential future loss of income, may be pursued.
  • Pain and suffering: No payment truly negates the physical and emotional pain caused. However, monetary damages acknowledge intangible costs that can't be precisely calculated, such as reduced enjoyment of life. Your attorney will work to ensure fair value is placed on this impact.
  • Property damage: Recovery of repair or replacement costs for a motorcycle written off or requiring structural work due to the collision helps riders be made financially whole.

Contact a Waukesha Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Today

After a motorcycle accident, Gruber Law Offices is here for you to help you recover from the accident. We’ve been helping the people of Wisconsin for nearly 40 years. Trust our Waukesha motorcycle accident lawyers to get you the compensation you deserve. 

With just One Call… That’s All, you can get started with your case today.