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Oshkosh Truck Accident Lawyer

Gruber Law Offices has been part of the Wisconsin legal community for over 40 years. You can count on our truck accident lawyers in Oshkosh to prioritize your physical and financial well-being immediately following your crash.

Our expansive and experienced team of Oshkosh personal injury lawyers can get you back on your feet and make it easier to pay your bills, all without adding to your financial stress. If you want to learn more about your right to hold someone accountable for your recent truck accident, book a free case consultation with the Gruber Law Offices’ team today.

When to Call a Truck Accident Lawyer in Oshkosh

We recommend that you contact an Oshkosh truck accident attorney as soon as possible after a truck accident. Why? Because insurance companies and trucking agencies will reach out to you even while you’re at the accident scene. These parties will often take advantage of your vulnerability.

What’s more, insurance claims adjusters and corporate representatives can potentially remove key evidence from the scene of your crash. These parties may try to block your access to a truck’s black box data in an effort to minimize their perceived liability for your losses. If you call an attorney right away, we can protect your rights.

Finally, you have to contend with Wisconsin’s personal injury statute of limitations. Wis. Stat. § 893.54(1m) allows you to take up to three years to build a claim against the party responsible for your losses. You cannot file a claim outside of that three-year period. The sooner you reach out to our team, the better use we can make of that time.

Our Lawyers Work on Contingency

We understand that accident victims like you don’t want to spend any more money than they have to while recovering from a crash. That’s why our team works on contingency. “Contingency” and our contingency fee agreements allow us to work for you without charging you for our representation.

When we win your case,we take a percentage of your final settlement to cover our expenses. There is never a fee until we win. You can learn more about our contingency fee agreements during a free case consultation with our personal injury lawyers.

What to Expect from Our Legal Services

What services should you expect from our Oshkosh, WI, truck accident attorneys? Our team can provide you with the following:

Communication With Insurance Companies

Insurance companies rarely have your best interests in mind, especially not after a severe accident. Insurance claims adjusters will try to pay you as little as possible. Bad-faith tactics can be problematic without the help of an experienced Oshkosh injury attorney from Gruber Law Offices. 

Our attorneys can step in and minimize the bad-faith tactics insurance companies use to deny you what you deserve. We can simultaneously protect your right to maximize accident compensation by denying the insufficient settlement offers an insurance company attempts to offer you.

Don’t take on the insurance company alone. Let us help you get the results you deserve.

An In-Depth Investigation Into Accident-Related Negligence

We build insurance claims and personal injury claims on evidence. You, as an accident victim, have an obligation to meet or exceed Wisconsin’s burden of proof. However, we don’t make you gather that information alone. We have a large, powerful team of more than 120 people who will put their investigative experience to work for you.

Our professional network allows us to take advantage of a wide range of data, some of which may include the following:

  • Video footage from your accident
  • Statements from witnesses
  • Police reports going into detail about your accident
  • Medical records detailing your physical losses
  • Photos from before and after your accident
  • A truck’s black box data
  • Additional electronic data

A Comprehensive Defense of Your Right to Damages

Trucking companies rake in millions in contracts over the years but still may use underhanded techniques to deny you a fair settlement. Fortunately, our truck accident lawyers in Oshkosh are on your side. We believe you have the right to comprehensive financial support and can fight for your rights, in and out of court. 

The losses we can include in your request for truck accident damages may include the following:

  • Reduced quality of life
  • Temporary or permanent disabilities
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Property damage
  • Emergency medical care
  • Long-term medical treatments

We will explain the process we use to calculate the value of your case. You can bring any questions you may have to your FREE case evaluation with our team.

Independent Contractors, Corporations, and You

It’s not easy to know who to hold responsible for your losses after a truck accident. When is a truck driver liable for your losses? Typically, when they’re independent contractors.

Independent contractors have a legal responsibility to account for their own actions on the road. This means you can pursue legal action against an individual after an accident but not any of their clients. Likewise, you can file an insurance claim through the independent contractor’s provider.

Things change if you get into an accident with a corporate employee. Corporations can take legal responsibility for their employees’ behavior on the road. You can work with an Oshkosh truck accident attorney to determine whether or not you can take legal action against these larger entities after your crash.

Experienced Personal Injury Lawyers Are on Your Side

Our truck accident attorneys in Oshkosh know that a truck accident can be overwhelming. We don't want to complicate your recovery. Instead, we’ll help you get the support you need to recover from your losses. Our experienced investigative team can take a closer look at the circumstances that led to your accident so you can hold the right people accountable for your losses.

You can meet with our team free of charge to learn more about our available services. Contact us today to book your FREE consultation.

Remember: one call, that’s all!