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Janesville Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Wisconsin’s civil statutes give you the right to financially recover from a motorcycle accident that was not your fault – but it’s not always easy to file a claim, especially when you’re dealing with injuries. Fortunately, our motorcycle accident lawyers in Janesville can advocate on your behalf and help you get the compensation you deserve. 

Gruber Law Offices established its headquarters in Milwaukee in 1984. Since then, we served communities across the state of Wisconsin and provided top-notch legal services. Our Janesville personal injury lawyers offer experienced representation to residents in need. You can book a free case evaluation with our team today to discuss your motorcycle accident damages.

Remember: one call, thats all!

Our Motorcycle Accident Lawyers in Janesville Work on Contingency

You don’t pay anything upfront for our Janesville motorcycle accident lawyers’ services. Gruber Law Offices and its legal team work on contingency. Our contingency fee agreements ensure we don’t get paid until we win your case.

Once you have a settlement in hand, our contingency fee agreements allow us to get paid with a portion of your recovered damages. You do not have to pay a fee to start working with our team.

You can learn more about our contingency fee agreements during a FREE case evaluation with our team. 

When to Contact an Experienced Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Working with an attorney after a motorcycle accident does not necessarily mean you will go to a trial or even file a lawsuit. Motorcycle accident lawyers can help you negotiate with insurance companies and discuss settlement agreements outside of the courtroom. 

If you want to benefit from our representation, we recommend you contact our team right away. The longer you wait to secure representation, the more likely it is that insurance claims adjusters and liable parties can potentially remove and/or destroy key evidence.

Should you decide to move forward with a personal injury claim, you must work on a tight deadline to file your paperwork. Wis. Stat. § 893.54(1m) allows accident victims in your position to take no more than three years to build a motorcycle accident claim. You must contact our team within those three years if you want our help fighting for your rights.

What Services to Expect from a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Our motorcycle accident attorneys in Janesville, WI, can provide you with services that extend beyond the courtroom. You can count on our team to help you with:

Your Initial Investigation Management

Whether you want to file an insurance claim or take your motorcycle accident case to court, you need evidence of someone else’s fault. You have an obligation to meet or exceed Wisconsin’s burden of proof if you want to hold a negligent party responsible for your financial recovery.

Fortunately, the proof you use to clear this burden can take on a wide range of forms. You can ask an experienced lawyer to gather the evidence most relevant to your case while you focus on getting the medical attention you need to recover from serious injuries. 

Our large team has connections with professional investigators and law enforcement representations who can help us gather common motorcycle accident data like the following:

  • Physical debris relevant to your crash
  • Evidence of environmental damage, including pictures and maintenance reports
  • Electronic data
  • Video footage of your accidents
  • Photos from before and after your accidents
  • Medical reports going into detail about your injuries
  • Expert witness testimonies
  • Bystander accounts 

Once we have this evidence in hand, we can work with experts to analyze it. Our team can then compile the evidence into a complete claim that presents a clear picture of the negligence that led to your collision. A comprehensive claim makes it easier for you to get the financial compensation you need and deserve.

Representation in Conversations With Insurance Companies

Do not take on an insurance company alone after a motorcycle accident. Insurance companies may use underhanded or bad-faith techniques to deny you the support you need to recover from a serious crash. If you try to negotiate for a settlement without support, insurance companies could twist your words and prevent you from recovering.

Our team can help you compile the claim you want to file with a liable party’s insurance company. We can then represent you in ongoing conversations with an insurance claims adjuster. Our experience makes it easier for us to point out a provider’s bad-faith tactics. We can also challenge those tactics on your behalf.

Support While Filing Your Personal Injury Claim

Our team leads an investigation into your accident to help you fight for your rights. If you can’t get that support through an insurance company, we can file a personal injury claim on your behalf. 

Our team can spearhead negotiations with a liable party who recognizes the devastating role they played in your motorcycle accident. However, if a liable party won’t recognize their role in your crash, our team can take your case to trial. You can count on our representation all the while – we’ll never leave you to fight alone.

Don’t Let Your Right to File Pass You By

Motorcyclists deserve respect on the road. In the absence of that respect, injured motorcyclists have the right to name negligent parties financially liable for the losses sustained.

If you need help after a motorcycle accident, you can connect with our motorcycle accident lawyers in Janesville, WI. Our team consists of homegrown attorneys who’ve served Wisconsin residents for over 40 years. Let us take a stand on your behalf so you can get the financial support you deserve.

You can book a free personal injury case evaluation with our motorcycle accident lawyers today. Call now – Remember: one call, thats all!