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Green Bay Truck Accident Lawyer

Accidents involving commercial trucks are often severe and can leave you facing serious injuries and expensive medical costs. Trucking companies spend a lot of effort to minimize the damages they have to pay out after a crash. Fortunately, you can level the playing field by securing the services of an experienced Green Bay truck accident lawyer who will fight for you.

At Gruber Law Offices, we understand the challenges that can come with these types of accidents and have been helping injury victims fight for the compensation they deserve for over 40 years.  Headquartered in Milwaukee, and serving communities across Wisconsin, our Green Bay personal injury lawyers have a long history of taking on big trucking companies and winning. Schedule a free case review with a member of our legal team today.

Hire an Experienced Truck Accident Attorney in Green Bay, WI, as Soon as Possible

In the aftermath of a truck accident, it is critical that you take action quickly to protect both your physical and financial health. You can be sure that the trucking company will get to work immediately, taking steps to avoid having to pay you the money you are entitled to collect for your losses. Hiring an experienced lawyer as soon as possible will help protect your rights.

Your attorney can ensure the trucking company follows all applicable laws and doesn’t destroy any evidence in their efforts to minimize their financial responsibility. Furthermore, the earlier your lawyer can start on your case, the easier it will be for them to collect evidence that supports your claim, locate witnesses, and record their testimony while their memories are clear.

Another reason to get started on your case early is to ensure you meet all filing deadlines. In Wisconsin, the personal injury statute of limitations is three years. If you fail to file your lawsuit on time, you will likely be out of options for recovering compensation. However, it’s important to remember that multiple factors can shift the typical filing deadline in one direction or the other.

We Only Get Paid When We Win Your Case

When you work with the team at Gruber Law Offices, you will never have to worry about receiving a bill for legal services you can’t afford. Our experienced Green Bay truck accident lawyers work on a contingency fee basis, which means there will never be a fee until we win. You never have to worry about paying a fee to retain our services or paying an hourly rate.

Instead, the only fee you will ever have to pay will come after we win your case. Furthermore, this fee will be paid directly out of the compensation you recover, meaning you will never have to pay a single cent out of your own pocket.

By using this form of payment system, we are able to provide experienced legal representation to all accident victims, regardless of their financial situation. In addition, you can be confident that our team will be motivated to get you the money you need since securing a win for you is the only way we get paid for the services we provide.

Never Deal With an Insurance Adjuster Alone

After a truck accident, you need to exercise caution in any interactions with insurance companies. While insurers go to great lengths to convince the public that they are there to help, the truth is that these companies care far more about profits than they do about people. If given the chance, an insurance adjuster will employ a variety of tricks to deny or devalue your claim.

Unfortunately, you could be at a disadvantage when attempting to deal with an insurer after an accident. After all, insurers have extensive experience handling these types of cases, while you are likely unfamiliar with the process. To avoid this imbalance in experience, it is best to decline to speak with any insurance representatives until you have hired a lawyer.

Once you have secured the legal services of an experienced truck accident lawyer in Green Bay, WI, the insurance company will have to go through your lawyer for everything. By blocking them from contacting you directly, you will take away their ability to use their usual tricks and level the playing field, putting your attorney in a good position to secure the money you need.

Who Is Liable for a Truck Accident in Green Bay?

There are a variety of parties who could be liable for a truck accident, depending on the specific details of the case. An experienced attorney can help you determine who is liable for your damages so you can begin the process of recovering compensatory damages. Some of the most commonly liable parties in truck accident cases include:

  • The truck driver
  • The trucking company
  • The company that loaded the truck
  • The government agency responsible for road maintenance in the area where the accident occurred
  • The truck manufacturer
  • A company that performed maintenance on the truck
  • A parts manufacturer
  • A third-party driver whose actions caused the crash

This list is far from exhaustive. Your lawyer will conduct a thorough investigation into your accident to identify all the potentially liable parties and ensure you recover the money you deserve. Even if a truck driver is liable for your accident, you may have to deal with the trucking company to get the money you need.

Reach Out to an Experienced Truck Accident Lawyer Serving Green Bay Today

Hiring an experienced Green Bay truck accident attorney is the best way to improve your odds of recovering the money you need after a truck accident. At Gruber Law Offices, we will use every tool at our disposal to help ensure you recover the money you need and deserve.

Schedule a free consultation with a member of our legal team today to learn more about what we can do to help you recover fair compensation, and check out our reviews from our satisfied clients to learn more about the kind of service you can expect to receive.