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Fond du Lac Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

You’re recovering from a motorcycle accident with bills piling up, and you don’t know where to turn. Who can help you get back on your feet? Gruber Law Offices can. Our Fond du Lac motorcycle accident lawyers have helped tens of thousands of clients get back on their feet after serious crashes. We’re ready to do the same for you.

Our personal injury lawyers in Fond du Lac have spent 40 years in this community, and we’ve never left. At Gruber Law Offices, you can count on us to make the legal process as straightforward as possible, no matter how dire your circumstances seem. Book your FREE case consultation today.

Negligence Causes Today’s Motorcycle Accidents

The majority of today’s motorcycle accidents can be traced to the negligence of another party. People on the road are supposed to keep an eye out for motorcyclists but too often find themselves distracted behind the wheel. Some people even choose to purposefully endanger motorcyclists.

If you believe another person has violated the duty of care they owe you as a motorcyclist, you can work within Wisconsin’s laws to hold those parties accountable for their neglect. Our motorcycle accident attorneys in Fond du Lac can help you get the process started to fight for your right to accident compensation.

What to Expect from a Fond du Lac Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

At Gruber Law Offices, our motorcycle accident lawyers are part of a team of over 120 legal professionals. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to take on an insurance company after an accident, which is why we employ several in-house investigators. Those investigators go to work the moment you call our firm, gathering evidence to defend your right to accident support.

We rely on former law enforcement detectives and other professionals, including accident reconstructionists, to establish the whys and hows of your accident. However, we do more than connect you with our legal team. You can count on our team to:

  • Mediate between you and a liable party
  • Manage conversations between you and an insurance claims adjuster
  • Keep you on top of your relevant filing deadlines
  • Prevent intimidation attempts and/or insufficient settlement offers
  • Protect your financial well-being
  • Advocate for your right to maximize your motorcycle accident compensation

You can learn more about our available services during a free case consultation with our team. You do not have to commit to a case when you book a consultation.

When to Call an Experienced Attorney

If you want to take legal action against the party responsible for your motorcycle accident, you need to act within the deadline established by Wis. Stat. § 893.54(1m). This, the state’s statute of limitations, gives you no more than three years to build a claim.

You can contact a Fond du Lac, WI, motorcycle accident attorney at any point within that three-year period to begin building your claim. The sooner you get in touch, the more time we will have to find the evidence needed to establish and build your case.

We Work on Contingency

Our team wants to protect your financial well-being before, during, and after the claims process. It’s with that goal in mind that our team operates on a contingency fee basis. Our contingency fee agreements:

  • Ensure you don’t pay a dime until we win your case
  • Allow us to take payment out of your final settlement

In other words, our contingency fee agreements allow you the freedom to pursue the legal action you deserve, regardless of your financial situation.

We don’t Let Insurance Companies Undermine Your Recovery

Insurance companies may use tactics to minimize your recovery after a motorcycle accident. Some companies may even have a built-in bias against motorcyclists that makes it difficult, if not impossible, for you to recover the damages you deserve.

Our team will go to bat with the insurance company so that you can recover every damage you need to get back on your feet. Having an experienced attorney on your side will make adjusters take you seriously from the start.

Using Evidence to Take Your Case to Civil Court

You have an obligation to meet or go beyond Wisconsin’s burden of proof. To do so, you need to gather enough evidence to establish:

  • What kind of negligence led to your accident
  • How that negligence violated the duty of care a person owed you
  • The identity of the party responsible for your losses
  • The value of your motorcycle accident losses
  • Your right to recover damages based on your losses

You can find the evidence you need to make these points by working with a Gruber Law Offices’ motorcycle accident lawyer in Fond du Lac, WI. Our team can gather photos, video, and professional analysis going into detail about the nature of your accident without getting in the way of your recovery.

We Advocate for Your Right to the Compensation You Deserve

We know you need help paying your bills after a serious motorcycle accident, and we won’t let you shoulder the burden of your losses alone. We can help you integrate your economic and non-economic losses into the claim you submit to either an insurance company or a civil court. 

Unfortunately, insurance companies do not recognize your non-economic losses as valid sources of income after a motorcycle accident. If you want to request support from an insurer, you need to find the value of concrete expenses like the following:

  • Your emergency medical care
  • Long-term medical treatments
  • Pain management and mobility aids
  • Property damage and restoration
  • Lost wages

If you file a personal injury claim, you can include pain and suffering, mental anguish, and reduced quality of life in your request for support. Our team can establish the value of these losses thanks to a combination of our experience and motorcycle accident case precedent.

Gruber Law Offices Advocates for You

Our team knows how hard it is for one person to take on the legal system alone. We’ll provide the tools you need to get the justice you deserve. That’s why our Fond du Lac motorcycle accident attorneys offer free personal injury case evaluations to those in need.

You can book an appointment with our team today to learn more about the process. If you decide to move forward, you can count on Gruber Law Offices to prioritize your best interests in and out of court. Remember – one call, that’s all. Make your one call to Gruber Law Offices today!