Delivery truck accidents are common in the post-pandemic world. Unfortunately, the average person may not know what legal right they have to respond if they find themselves a victim of a delivery truck driver’s negligence. Delivery companies and their clients often use underhanded tactics to minimize or complicate victims’ right to recover.
However, no one has to go to bat against delivery companies and their affiliates alone. If you need answers about how common delivery truck accidents are and your right to subsequent action, you can call a Milwaukee delivery truck accident lawyer. Headquartered in Milwaukee, our powerful team can break down the tactics you can use to fight for loss-based compensation.
What Dangers Lead to Delivery Truck Accidents?
Delivery truck drivers have an obligation to make multiple stops on busy roads throughout their shifts. That obligation requires them to oversee the safety of the packages they’re transporting as well as the safety of the people on the road around them. Unfortunately, that dual responsibility opens the door to distraction and negligence.
Negligence, as a category of behavior, tends to account for the vast majority of delivery truck accidents on the road. The advent of in-vehicle screens and increased reliance on cell phones has increased how common delivery truck accidents have become. Other forms of dangerous roadway negligence may include the following:
- Speeding
- Failing to use appropriate signals on the road
- Failing to safely pass other vehicles
- Eating or drinking behind the wheel
- Disregard for local speed limits or roadway laws
- Refusal to abide by postings in school zones or other protected areas
For a free legal consultation, call 414-276-6666
How Can You Identify Dangerous Negligence After a Delivery Truck Accident?
If you want to accuse a delivery truck driver or another party of accident-causing negligence, you need to gather enough evidence to meet or exceed Wisconsin’s burden of proof. The evidence you use to make your case can take on a wide range of forms, including the following:
- Environmental damage
- Physical debris
- Medical records and evidence of your injuries
- Photos from before and after your accident
- Video footage of your accident
- A truck’s black box data
- Electronic data relevant to your accident
Working with a truck accident attorney in Milwaukee allows you to prioritize your health without waiving your right to a comprehensive accident investigation performed by our attorneys.
When Should You Contact a Delivery Truck Accident Driver?
You can work with a delivery truck accident lawyer to streamline an investigation into the negligence that caused your crash. However, our Milwaukee personal injury lawyers recommend you get in touch with an attorney sooner rather than later.
Why? You’re up against Wisconsin’s personal injury statute of limitations while building your case. That statute only gives you three years to file a personal injury claim. If you miss your filing deadline, you may lose the right to financially recover.
How Can You Hold a Delivery Truck Driver Accountable for Negligence?
Holding a delivery truck driver financially accountable for your losses requires you to file a personal injury claim before your aforementioned statute of limitations expires. Once you submit your claim, our lawyers can begin working with the insurance company to negotiate your compensation.
Settlement negotiations allow you to put forward an argument for damages based on your economic and non-economic delivery truck accident losses. If the party you name liable for those losses recognizes their involvement in your accident, you may receive a settlement within weeks of your accident.
Unfortunately, many delivery truck companies and drivers opt to fight back when accused of roadway negligence. If this is the case, you may have to go to trial to get the financial support you need to pay for your recovery.
Click to contact our personal injury lawyers today
When Can You Hold Corporations Liable for a Delivery Truck Accident?
It’s not always easy to hold corporations liable for delivery truck accidents – but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. If you can prove the following, you may have the right to name a corporation as the party liable for your delivery truck accident:
- The truck driver responsible for your accident engaged in avoidable negligence
- That truck driver works on an employee’s contract and was on duty at the time of your collision
- The truck driver benefits from employer-backed benefits, insurance, and legal protections
- Your accident resulted in avoidable economic fallout
You can work with a delivery truck accident lawyer in Milwaukee to make these points using evidence from your accident scene. We can also call on expert witnesses to evaluate the evidence.
Unfortunately, some corporations willfully misrepresent an employee’s employment status to avoid paying damages to someone recovering from a delivery truck accident. If you suspect foul play in your case, let our team know. We can take steps to address a corporation’s attempt to obstruct justice.
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Let Experienced Delivery Truck Accident Lawyers Go to Work for You
Delivery truck accidents are common enough that companies have taken steps to distance themselves from their drivers. However, those steps don’t alleviate the responsibility delivery companies and their operatives owe to private motorists.
If you’re involved in an accident with a delivery truck, you have the right to explore your means of legal recourse. You can ask an experienced delivery truck accident lawyer to look into your case immediately following your collision.
Our representation can help you determine how common delivery truck accidents like yours are and how you can hold independent contractors, trucking agencies, and international corporations liable for your losses. You can schedule a no-cost delivery truck accident case evaluation before your statute of limitations expires. Remember, one call, that’s all.
Call or text 414-276-6666 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form