If you or a loved one have been injured in an accident in Eau Claire or the surrounding area, call Gruber Law Offices today for a free consultation. One Call…That’s All!
Please understand, the insurance company is not your friend. In a serious injury case, never take on an insurance company alone without first speaking to us. We have a powerful and proven team with the resources to fight and win against the big insurance companies. We have been fighting and winning for around 40 years. We have recovered well over a billion dollars for injured Wisconsinites. We are headquartered in Milwaukee, and we handle serious personal injury cases throughout Wisconsin.
We can help guide you through this difficult time and get you the compensation you deserve! If you have been injured, you need a powerful and proven team that can help protect your rights and allow you to focus on getting better. We believe hiring a powerful and proven personal injury firm will increase the likelihood of receiving a favorable case outcome.
Contact us today to have all your questions answered: (414) 436-2484
“One Call, That’s All”

For a free legal consultation with a Personal Injury lawyer serving EAU Claire, call 414-276-6666
Fighting For YOUR Compensation

EAU Claire Personal Injury Lawyer Near Me 414-276-6666
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Representing Eau Claire Clients In Negotiations With Insurance Companies and Injury Litigation
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Should You Hire a Wisconsin Personal Injury Lawyer After Even a Minor Accident?

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