What is Taxotere and why is it Prescribed?
Taxotere is an anti-cancer (“antineoplastic” or “cytotoxic”) chemotherapy drug. This cancer medication interferes with the cell growth and spread of cancer cells within the body. This drug is often given in combination with other chemotherapy medicines and is used after surgery to treat the patient. It is injected into the vein by a health care professional with the dosage amount based on the patient’s response to therapy and current medical conditions. The main type of cancer this drug is approved to assist with is:
• Breast Cancer (BC)
• Advanced Stomach Cancer
• Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)
• Hormone Refractory Prostate Cancer (HRPC)
• Gastric Adenocarcinoma (GC)
• Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck Cancer (SCCHN)
Additional Investigation
Taxotere is also being investigated to assist with:
• Ovarian Cancer
• Pancreatic Cancer
• Bladder Cancer
• Soft Tissue Sarcoma and Melanoma
Side Effects, Risks, and Complications
The Taxotere lawyers have alleged that use of Taxotere can result in multiple side effects that are common in over 30% of patients taking this drug. Patients may experience low white blood cell counts which can increase the risk for further infection as well as a low red blood cell count promoting anemia. This drug may cause fluid retention resulting in weight gain and swelling of the ankles and abdominal area in addition to peripheral neuropathy which is numbness in the fingers and toes.
Other Possible Side Effects of Taxotere:
• Nausea
• Diarrhea
• Mouth Sores
• Hair Loss
• Fatigue
• Weakness and change to nail color
• Vomiting
• Muscle, bone, joint pain
• Allergic reactions
Recent News
Long Term Hair Loss in Patients with Early Breast Cancer: According to NCRI Cancer Conference, “Long term significant scalp alopecia may affect 10-15% of patients. Long term hair loss has a significant impact on the quality of survival.” It is concluded that this process should be stated to patients prior to be being prescribed Taxotere.
Your Legal Options
If you were prescribed Taxotere and have suffered permanent hair loss, baldness or permanent alopecia it is important that you get legal help immediately. Make your “One Call…That’s All” today to Gruber Law Offices for a free case evaluation for your potential Taxotere lawsuit.
Useful Resources
http://trofire.com/category/big-pharma/ (Article 2)