Staying Afloat: A Closer Look at the Factors Behind Boating Mishaps in WisconsinJanuary 3, 2024
Boating is a part of life for so many Wisconsinites. Maximize the thrill of your Wisconsin boating experiences by putting...

$1.8 Million Boat Crash SettlementApril 27, 2023
Settlement Obtained In Wisconsin Boating Accident Case In November 2021, Gruber Law Offices settled a wrongful death case for $1.8...
Staying Safe During Your Summer Lake VacationSeptember 18, 2021
There are few events Wisconsinites look forward to as much as going to Lake Michigan for a summer vacation. Whether...
Wisconsin Boating Safety CoursesMay 17, 2012
Spring is upon us and our favorite summer activities are just around the corner. Water sports and boating are a...