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Wisconsin Car Accident Lawyer

After a car accident, you need a way to recover the losses you've suffered to pay for your injuries. Our car accident lawyers serving Wisconsin can help you start building a case today. 

At Gruber Law Offices, we have over 40 years of experience advocating for injured people in our communities. Call us today. Our personal injury lawyers in Wisconsin offer a free consultation to help you understand your legal rights.

What Damages Can a Car Accident Lawyer in Wisconsin Recover for You?

If you were in a car accident, you know recovery can be physically and financially difficult. As your legal representatives, we will aggressively pursue all damages you are entitled to under Wisconsin law to address the consequences of your injuries. 

The damages our car accident lawyers in Wisconsin can help you recover include:

Medical Expenses

We will gather documentation of all charges accumulated from your initial doctor visits, diagnostic testing, surgical procedures, hospital stays, prescription drugs, durable medical equipment, and any costs projected for your future care recommended by healthcare providers. 

We will submit this comprehensive record of your medical bills to insurance or file it as evidence if we pursue a lawsuit for your case to establish the financial losses you need.

Lost Wages

To quantify missed wages, salaries, and benefits up to the date of your maximum medical improvement, we will compile pay stubs, tax filings, and employment verifications. 

If the injuries negatively impact your long-term earning potential or force a job change to a lower-paying position, we will pursue additional damages. These damages will factor in your work-life expectancy and economic expert analysis.

Property Damage

We will obtain estimates for repair facilities and decreased resale value assessments to support your recovery from any out-of-pocket costs associated with damages to vehicles, equipment, or other property in the crash. 

Proof of ownership and bills itemizing your property loss expenses will strengthen our compensation demands.

Disability and Disfigurement

Alongside life care plans, our car accident attorneys in Wisconsin will provide evidence such as photos, doctor restrictions, and disability ratings demonstrating how your permanent injuries significantly limit your quality of life or ability to participate fully in activities. 

This evidence will support our pursuit of additional damages beyond prior medical costs and lost income.

Pain and Suffering

We will consider the severity and duration of your suffering when calculating your pain and suffering damages. Expert medical testimony describing your treatment outcomes and prognosis will help prove our claims.

What Injuries do You Suffer in a Car Accident?

Car accidents can lead to a wide range of physical harm depending on the type of collision and individual circumstances. As your legal representatives, we see certain types of injuries repeatedly in our clients' car accident cases. Some of the most common include:

  • Whiplash: This neck injury results from the rapid back-and-forth snapping motion that occurs in rear-end crashes and can cause lingering muscle and joint pain.
  • Back injuries: Accidents that jerk the spine suddenly, such as rear impacts or rollovers, often lead to issues like strained muscles, herniated discs, and pinched nerves in the lower back.
  • Head trauma: Even low-speed collisions can lead to concussions and other traumatic brain injuries from the head jerking or hitting the windshield or steering wheel.
  • Fractures: Broken or cracked bones frequently happen when high forces are applied to the extremities, pelvis, or ribs during collisions that send bodies forcefully in different directions.
  • Sprains and strains: Sudden twisting or over-extension injuries to joints like shoulders, knees, and ankles from abrupt collision forces are very common.
  • Lacerations and scarring: Severe cuts or burns that require extensive medical care can occur during wrecks, sometimes leaving permanent reminders of the traumatic event.

Benefits of Hiring a Car Accident Lawyer in Wisconsin

After a car accident, you will want legal representation that's going to fight for you. Here are a few benefits of hiring a car accident lawyer from our team:

Gathering Evidence

Evidence in a car accident case is one of the most important aspects, and our lawyers can help you gather valuable evidence to support your case. Some of the evidence we can gather includes:

  • Police reports
  • Medical records
  • Photos and videos of the accident
  • Expert witnesses
  • Witness accounts
  • Security camera footage

Negotiating With the Insurance Company

When you choose to work with the team at Gruber Law Offices, you are never alone in facing the insurance company. Our team will handle the negotiation process while you focus on healing from your injuries. By taking over the negotiation process, we ensure you are not pressured into accepting the first lowball offer the insurance company presents.

Insurance companies use tactics to get you to agree to accept a lower amount or admit fault. With our car accident lawyers in Wisconsin, you don't have to worry about your settlement being undervalued.

How Much does Hiring a Lawyer After a Car Accident Cost?

There's never a fee until we win. We work on a contingency fee basis, which means that you don't have to pay anything for legal services for your car accident case until we win. Upon winning your case, we will take a percentage of your settlement.

By working on a contingency fee basis, we ensure that people from a variety of financial standings can afford to hire a lawyer after an accident. We want to make legal help accessible to our whole community. If you have any questions about our contingency fee, feel free to reach out to our team.

Contact Us Today to Get the Legal Help You Need

After a car accident, you can count on Gruber Law Offices to help you recover the compensation you need. Our car accident attorneys in Wisconsin are ready to help you start building a strong car accident case.

We are dedicated to fighting for your rights and ensuring you get the justice you deserve. Give us One Call… That’s All! Contact us today for a free consultation.